Accredited Teachers for Hadar’s Clay

Twenty-two people have completed the Accreditation Program for Hadar’s Clay Teachers so far. Twenty more are expected to complete it within the next two months and another 20 by summer 2014.

The names and information of the accredited teachers are now on a special webpage on my website. (This page can also be accessed by clicking the “Accredited Teachers” button in the left-hand pane of my website. New names will be added to the webpage as people complete the program.

The accreditation is a year-long program. People who received their accreditation have completed challenging assignments and are not only outstanding artists but also wonderful teachers with investigative minds and extensive knowledge and practice with Hadar’s Clay, as well as with the firing process and the nature of metal clay in general. I encourage you to contact Accredited Teachers in your area for classes and support.

Accredited Teachers stay active on a dedicated online forum and receive ongoing guidance and support regarding new products and techniques.

If you wish to become an Accredited Teacher please contact me personally at my email address.

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