Accreditation Program for Hadar’s Clay™ Teachers – Follow-up

The first round of the Accreditation Program for Hadar’s Clay™ Teachers began operations over a month ago. Upon acceptance to the program, participants were enrolled in a closed Facebook group which consists of fifty members from the US, the UK, Austria, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Germany, Canada, Mexico, and Australia. Over the past month the group has become highly active and engaged, both professionally and socially.

Every two or three weeks the group is given an assignment, which comes in the form of questions and/or projects. Each assignment or group of assignments covers a specific topic. The answers are submitted to me via email, and then I post my own answer, as well as the next assignment. For help in answering the questions and assignments, members can rely on written and otherwise published resources, as well as on each other. They are encouraged to discuss the issues raised in the questions openly on the group. No one is criticized for not knowing the answer; what is important is active participation and the way the available resources are used to answer the questions. Members can point each other in the direction they think is right. This is not a competition, but a learning process. No one but me sees the emailed answers, and there is no grading. The learning process is based on guided experimentation.

The program ends at the end of the year, with a 5-day hands-on workshop. The duration of the program is almost one year.

The concept is somewhat unusual, but the members have adjusted quickly and are actually having a lot of fun. Very few people withdrew from the program, the main reason being that their schedule does not permit this kind of ongoing commitment at the present time.

In early 2014 I will start a second round of the Accreditation Program. Unlike the first one, which has been by invitation only, anyone can apply for the 2014 program by contacting me. There are a few requirements:

1. Having taken a class or classes with me
2. Proven familiarity with my books, the Instruction Manual for Hadar’s Clay and related files published on my blog
3. Proven experience with Hadar’s Clay
4. Proven experience with the finishing process
5. Willingness to dedicate the time and effort required to complete the program

For more information about the program please read my previous posting about the Accreditation Program.

3 Responses to “Accreditation Program for Hadar’s Clay™ Teachers – Follow-up”

  • Jen Says:

    The program has been a great experience so far. We are learning so much and developing a nice group that helps each other out. I highly encourage you to commit to this program next year if you are interested. Thank you Hadar for the opportunity!

  • Pamela Pollock Says:

    That is very exciting Hadar that you are opening up the accreditation in 2014!

  • ellie silk Says: